Hays Today

A crazy mother bear, that loves her little family.

Friday, July 16, 2010

so today Tucker is 3 months old. he has been such a joy to watch grow into our life's and hearts these last 3 months. he has truly helped my sister become who she was meant to be. watching her love him reminds me of how deep a mommas love is. she is so flawless and tender with him and he loves her so very much. Tucker and his parents are 3 great parts to our life's. i am so blessed to be able to share in his journey threw life. i hope he thinks i am super cool aunt cass someday. lets face it, i hope to be his partner in crime someday. Tucker- we love u so very very much, u have done nothing but bring pure joy and happy times to our family. i hope every day of your life is filled with lots of love and many smiles.
here is a nice shot of the family of 3 = the em.

my Most Precious little toot.
here is em being cousin of the year. she loves her "baby Tucker" she informed me she did not want me to have a baby, we will just keep Tuck as our baby.
Emrie with her Aunt Mac, they both are crazy about each other. Mac always has a special surprise for her Girl ...

Monday, July 12, 2010

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hays Haven

this is our current up to date area. that pole represents Electricity. and those stakes in the ground represent where our house will be someday if it stops raining.

this is Lendall Shop in the begging of things. November 2008
this is our front fence looking back to his shop.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

A Emrie Story.

we are in dallas, swimming in the hotel pool and there is a 7 or 8 year old little african american boy in the pool with us. so the whole time we are there Emrie is keeping to her self playing and swimming with us. we get out and are walking out the door, and she turns around looks at the boy, and says "BYE COUSIN." i guess in her head all Black boys are now her cousins. she is so FUNNY!!!!