Hays Today

A crazy mother bear, that loves her little family.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

How Ya feeling ?

i think the most popular question in my life right now is "How ya Feeling?"  next is "do u know what your having ?" 
well i am feeling great, i went through a rough patch but that is all behind me now, and i feel really strong and good.   so no complaints from me.  
now about the gender of this baby.... well its all that i think about most of the time.  every time i feel "Lobster" move i question who is inside of me.  its a over-whelming scene of pure joy that i cannot really explain.  i want to know and identify who its going to be. 

in many ways i would love another GIRL.  
i have lots of cloths and stuff a baby girl would need. 
i want em to have a sister relationship bc i know how great those are.  
i know that i can teach and shape her into a lady.
i love the thought of us being old and our girls taking care of us. 

i want a BOY to .
i know that if He can become anything like his daddy that some lucky girl will thank me.  
i want len to be able to teach him what a real man is.  
i want to see him lead his family.
i want to be the first girl in all the land that wins his heart.  

lets put it this way.  i am so excited either way.  all i know is that God designed and planned this baby when i could not muster up the thought of having a baby.  He knows and made a perfect piece to complete our family.  
So lets count down the days till JAN. 30TH together.  when the question is answered and we get to know just a little more of HIS amazing plan.