Hays Today

A crazy mother bear, that loves her little family.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Waiting on Houston

Well i am officially ready for this baby to come out!  i have loved having him safe and sound inside but the time has come.  He is still very active,  the doctor told me that he would not be moving as much but our boy is already defining the odds, he moves most of the time.   He is so smart already !

 these pics were at 34 weeks.  he weighed 4.5 pounds 
 33 weeks prego here.   i really am blessed bc i feel good for the most part.  I will admit that it's not always comfortable but i feel honored to be able to carry him.  also i am blessed to be a healthy momma, my blood pressure, heart rate, and weight have all been ideal.  
once more i am not good at getting pregnant, but i am real good at being pregnant.  i think this thought stayed with me through-out the whole fertility battle.  
 36 weeks and counting ...... 
 this was my 30th birthday present.  he is 37 weeks here, and weighing 6 pounds.  he is pretty smooshed and chubby but it makes him all the better.  He is healthy and strong, and we are so proud of him.  

We are officially on the countdown.  15 more days and this boy is making his exit, wether he wants to or not.  we are scheduled for the 8th, but i think it would be lots more exciting if he comes before that.  so far i have been having random contractions but nothing real consistent.  so we shall see what Houston has planned.  

Houston -  i simply cannot wait to FINALLY meet you face to face.  you already hold my heart in your hands and i love holding your heart in my belly.  i have loved helping you grow and flourish into the little guy you are.  Me, daddy, and Em are so excited for you to get here.  your room is all done and the bags are packed, so just whenever you feel like coming we are ready with open arms.   we love you baby boy, i am thinking our love will just keep growing just like you are.