I bet everyone is this whole wide world wishes they had a nana like mine. she is the glue that holds all so close togther. she is the very most unselfish person i have ever met in my whole life. she always gives, never takes. always helps instead of complaining. she loves her family more then life. at any given moment she would lay her own life down for her family. she gives and gives. the perfect image of what we all should strive to be.
i know that the years go by faster and faster, and that someday i will not have my nana. but i also know without a doubt, that she loved me every single day. i treasure all the many memories i have and look forward to all the very special ones in the future.
Nana Lou- i love you more then you know and i absolutely appreciate each act of love you give to all of us. you are the very most spacial lady in my life. you are like the rarest and most beautiful diamond. i hope that God blesses me with grandkids and great grandkids that i can love like you have taught us to love.