Hays Today

A crazy mother bear, that loves her little family.

Monday, April 25, 2011

my nana

She has been at every event over the last 26 years of my life. she keeps and loves my baby at any given time. i text her tonight at 10:30, "i asked if she had anything going tomorrow." she said "nothing is more important then keeping my EM" i am so blessed to have such a woman in my life. someone who loves her as deep as i do.

I bet everyone is this whole wide world wishes they had a nana like mine. she is the glue that holds all so close togther. she is the very most unselfish person i have ever met in my whole life. she always gives, never takes. always helps instead of complaining. she loves her family more then life. at any given moment she would lay her own life down for her family. she gives and gives. the perfect image of what we all should strive to be.

i know that the years go by faster and faster, and that someday i will not have my nana. but i also know without a doubt, that she loved me every single day. i treasure all the many memories i have and look forward to all the very special ones in the future.

Nana Lou- i love you more then you know and i absolutely appreciate each act of love you give to all of us. you are the very most spacial lady in my life. you are like the rarest and most beautiful diamond. i hope that God blesses me with grandkids and great grandkids that i can love like you have taught us to love.

Monday, April 18, 2011


We are Very blessed to be part of FBC Purcell church. we have been there for four years already and in ways it feels like i have been there forever. We have really connected with our Sunday School class. We love our group, we generally like to be called "conversion" its just fun to be around our friends and have so much in common with where we are in life. We can all relate with work, kids, marriage, and so on. anyways we love them and are so glad to have each person in our life's.
all that to say that we have been going threw a book on sunday nights called "crazy Love" and its been really good to see what God is showing us. its been pretty convicting and sometimes a hard reality but i do think its just what we needed. this past week was about being or not being a Christian. and see i think so often we use the word "Christian" to loosely. we all seem to think we are "good People" or "Christians" but i think we miss the whole point. its not about the label we give each other or the tittle we acquire. its the realness we have with Jesus. i am all about being Real, Honest, and Genuine. in fact i use those words a lot in my life. but i really have a hard time being real with God. even though He knows it all already. i find myself always looking out for me and what i am needing to hear. i think that God is knocking me upside the head and saying listen, listen , listen.
i think about my roll with Emrie, how i am always guiding and teaching her new things to do or not do. and God is always doing that very same thing with me. he is gently guiding me down the road i need to take.
i think when we get so caught up into what is right for "us" that we often miss the big picture point. i don't think its about what makes us feel warm and fuzzy but its about moving and guiding us towards things that matter. things of eternal value, not the type of music, the temperature, or the circumstances you have to face.

For me, i want to be better, move forward, and be real with God.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

the Babe

this is dedicated to my very favorite baby sister.

we have been companions since the very day of her birth. me and Chig have always shared many things. we have always been close, and i have always been proud to be her big sis. she has watched me make every mistake in the world, except smoke pot. she has followed in many of my footsteps. but i cannot tell you how proud i am of her.

she has taken her life in her own hands and is doing pretty well with it. she is honest, caring, loyal, devoted, and fun to be with. she takes life pretty seriously most times, but she can still kick back and take it in.

she is a sophomore at her dream college, (go pokes) maintains great grades, and applies herself 100%. she is self sufficient and works hard.

Chelsie- you are my favorite girl, and i love you so much. i am very proud of the lady you are and i know you are going to go and do big things in your life. keep up the hard work and always know we are here for you and are proud of who you are. i think your the best.