moment Number 1 !!!!
i knew in this moment that i was forever changed. i was forever her mom, that my love for her ran deep and wide. i knew that i would give my life for her, i knew that my purpose in life had changed, all in this moment.
i think its kinda funny looking back at this moment Number 2 !!!!the day Tucker was born, i was on my way to lawton, to take pictures for his birth-mom. i had my camera all ready to go, and on my way. i got half way to lawton, and Mckenzie calls, with the exciting news that K was in labor. i was the first one there, i was oh SO SO excited for my sister to have her moment that changed her life. it just happened to work out that i got to be in the delivery room, cameras in tow. i was standing right there, watching the love unfold. i got to see adoption in the saddest, and happiest moment. i was there.
i think God let me see this so clearly for a reason. i think He knew "the plan" all along. i think that He knew i needed to be in there. My heart longs for my moment #3 to get here. sometimes i feel like time is not passing. i just want to be a mom again. as we all know patients are not something that flows from within, however God continues to teach me that His timing is perfect. i trust that He is holding our baby dear, somewhere in some ladies uterus. i trust that He has picked that baby for us. i just am so ready to see "the plan" unfold.
our home study is this Saturday, and after that we will be ready to move forward. however we will continue to work hard to pay off all the "Lobster" stuff before we go LIVE !!!
God is still where we find our peace, comfort, and we pray to Him that He sends our baby right into the arms that have been planned for it.