Hays Today

A crazy mother bear, that loves her little family.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Loving our languages.

When i was a kid, my mom always reaffirmed anything i ever did.  she would always make me feel like i was the best at showing cows, school, hair, and whatever else i set out to do.  she was always giving me words of affirmation.  i really think that is part of who i am.  i am always 100% sure that i will do whatever i set my mind to.  my dad however was not to good with words, if he was proud of us girls he would buy us something or pay for dinner.  he always made sure we were provided for financially.  

When len was young his mom was showed him love by affirming him and acts of service.  she worked a lot and did not have the means to buy things or spend loads of time with him.  

all that being said, these this is what made us into a perfect match.  

 There are 5 love languages..... the book saved our marriage and i HIGHLY suggest it.
1.) acts of service
2.) quality time
3.) touch
4.) words of affirmation
5.) gifts

now mine are in this order
QT, Touch, acts of service, gifts, affirmation

Len are
affirmation, acts of service, QT, Touch, Gifts.

 10 years ago we met, dated for 3 months, got married, we were young, dumb, broke, and had lots to learn.  it has NOT been fun all the time, or easy at all.
matter of fact year 5 and 6 we were very close to loosing our marriage all together.  until the book and GOD alone saved us from disaster.  it finally clicked in my very hard head that i had his order of love languages all messed up.  We worked hard on starting fresh and making "us" new.
 it honestly took both of us working and being 100% devoted to the cause.  i will be the first to say that loving your kids is easy, it flows out with ZERO effort.  its a whole new kind of love when you choose to love a man.  my choice to love Len was so much harder then i ever thought it would be, yet it has been the most rewarding choice i have ever made.  
 He is the man God chose for me, He is my best friend, my rock that i fall apart on, he is all i hope our son becomes.
 i look back over the last 10 years and see how different my life would be now if we had not worked it out.  i can tell you there were times he hated me and times that i was so very hurt, but i look at us now and can't mustard up one bad thought.  i never even knew marriage could be this good.

 Len - i love you bc i choose to, i love you bc your worth it, i love you bc without you i would never know what it means to be a "soulmate", i love you bc your everthing i could of dreamed you would be.  thank you for loving me and stickin it out with me, we all know i am not alwasy fun to live with but you never gave up on "us."
i hope the next 10, 20, 60, 70 years are spent loving you the way i do today.   happy 10th babe !!

Here's to the next happy years.........

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

What is your name?

So my whole adult life i am always mistaken for Cathy. now i know and love lots of ladies named cathy, however my name is Cassie.  so when you pick up a to-go order or call to get insurance quote, i always have to spell it otherwise a nice lady named cathy will be eating my pizza for dinner.  
all that being said we really like the name RIGG, however i think it sounds like rick when you say it.  now i also know some guys named rick, they are nice but that is not a #1 choice for our little guys name.  
so we struggled to find a name that fits this little fella.  
at the end of the day we have come to a very talked about conclusion.  

Emrie Meyer Hays 
is proud to announce her baby brother 
Mr. Tate Pryer Hays !!!! 

its been fun identifying this little guy.  he is very busy these days growing and moving almost all the time.  he really enjoys a nice rest upon my bladder and loves to stand on it and jump up and down.  so that part is not my fav but i am not complaining one tiny bit. (ok maybe a tiny amount) 

i have officially started nesting in my head and lots of changes are happening all around.  We cannot wait to meet this little "tater tot" as Em calls him.  He is already very loved and so very anticipated.  

Tate- We pray for you every day, we pray that you are growing strong and brave in the belly.  We all 3 are so in love with you already.  hope you feel us touching you and know our voices.  we love you bubby. 

Friday, February 7, 2014

Snakes, Snails, and Puppy Dog Tails.

So it's a Boy!  i am not going to lie i was a little shocked and not 100% sure a boy was a great idea, however i have gotten used to the fact.  and now after buying a few outfits, picking a name, and seeing this rowdy boy, i havin fallen in love.  i still have lots more concerns then i ever have had with em.  
- will he grow up and leave his family
- will he marry a girl that i love
- puberty 
- man hair
- what my roll will be in teaching him how to be a man. 
- where he will make his home
- car insurance rates
- un-clean smells
- if he will leave purcell

can you sense my common theme.  i just have been around the gals my whole life, idk what to even do with a boy.  when my nephews do dumb things like bang their own head against the floor or wall, i really question it.  i mean boys just have a way about them.  
however if i could go out into the deep blue ocean and pick the very perfect fish.  the one with lots of layers and colors, the one that hunts, leads, and fights for his lady fish.  i would pick my LEN.  He will be the very best example of what a real man is.  i am already praying over my belly that this boy of ours is strong in character, hard-working, dependable, laid-back, smart, kind, loving, generous, and that he follows after God's heart.  all just like his daddy.  

God designed and gave us this precious baby boy that we already love and cherish.  what a huge blessings it is to have the honor of raising a little tiny boy into a man that God intended him to be.  

so out with tubs and tubs of pink girly stuff, bring on the blue and green.