well we have been making a few changes lately. like.... we decided to change our baby boy's name. i was watching "house hunters" a few weeks ago and they were in Houston. i really liked the idea of Houston Hays. i asked Len and he "pondered/thought" about it for the next two weeks.
Saturday we were in the truck for a hour and i said we must name him today. so we ended up with
we had lots of things we liked.
Houston Rigg
Tate Pryor
Lincoln Rigg
but in the end we settled on our little strong cowboy name. i pray that he will give the name honor and character as he grows into his own.
Houston - Be true to the name you bear sweet boy. we will always love and support you, we are already praying that you will honor Jesus with your life. your a very special guy that we have waited and longed for, you have been a special gift from the very begging.
love- mom, dad, and sister lue
Hays Today
A crazy mother bear, that loves her little family.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Nesting and knowing our cowboy
Time for a little update. this was 22 weeks prego. i am not very good at prego pics, turns out i really don't think a prego cass is that cute. but who cares about cute when your growing a little busy guy inside you. at times i remind myself how bad i wanted this, and how honored i am. its still totally crazy to me that God chose me to carry Emrie and now Tate.
I am feeling really good, i am still walking for exercise but that has been slowing down lots the last few weeks. i am lucky though bc tate dose not like to be sitting for a long period of time, so standing at work is not to bad. i have noticed that driving is not so fun right now. other then those few complaints, i am good to go. He is so very busy and moves most of his life. it worries me a touch bc Em was never so busy on the inside. i tell him all the time "he better get all that energy out while he is in there." its so funny that i feel like i know him, i know his likes and dislikes. i think God gives us these precious months so that we can get to know each other.
his room is almost done, just missing one more thing but it turned out cute. i would say his theme is "Oklahoma Cowboy" one bc i want him to really love OK, like love it so much that he never moves out of this great state. and two a cowboy bc lets face it cowboys make the best men.
Emrie is getting excited and is very aware of Tate these days. she loves on him and likes to feel him move. she has been trying to get me back in shape, she says she can't fit her arms around my belly anymore. so that has been pretty sweet to see. her main concern right now is --- if she gets to stay at the hospital with us when he is born. she still calls him "lobsty" pretty often. i am so excited to see her love her baby brother.
our family is ready and excited to meet him to. We all feel like we have been through this really LONG waiting period. his big cousins and aunt Mac hooked him up with a great wardrobe, which i think will keep happening through the years.
Popper is excited to have another little cowboy. We played a april fools joke on him, and told him it was a girl and he just got all bent out of shape. I guess emrie will have to be our only cowgirl in with a bunch of crazy fellas. Maybe Chels and Jared can bring her a pal someday, although i think she likes Penny (the dog) just as much as she would a baby, so no pressure.
all in all we are just real excited and blessed beyond what we could of dreamed. i will end with this quote that i say at least 6xs a day.
"i am not good at getting pregnant but i am good once i am pregnant."
i am 25 weeks, which means i have about 12-13 weeks left !!!!!
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