Hays Today

A crazy mother bear, that loves her little family.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Houston's 1st year !

our sweet lovable baby boy -  your one in a million and we are so blessed to have you in our family.  you are already such  smart fella.  you love to figure things out and get lots of stuff out as well.  your a great eater and walk/jog everywhere you go.  you love to ride your trike, brush your teeth, dance, but you still love momma most of all.   you say lots of words, call the animals, shine your little light, and patty cake.  

Houton Tate-  we are so glad that God choose us to be your parents.  we pray for and over your life.  We want to see you grow into the man that God created you to be.  Always know that we support and love you more then all the pretty horses.  your our miracle and God has always had HIS hand on your life.  thank you for being such a easy going, kind hearted, happy baby.  you make us smile and have brought sunshine and joy to our lives.
God mended you into a precious human, that we are blessed to have.