Hays Today

A crazy mother bear, that loves her little family.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Lee Greenwood

As many of you know my all time favorite song is "God bless the USA" and rightfully so.  I feel a since of pride, excitement, loyalty, and patriotism every single time i hear it.  Over the last few months i have found myself not so proud of the choices our leaders have been making.   i am real tired of the acceptance society.  This great country was founded on Biblical principals that have now become blurred.  I really feel like God's clock is ticking away on us.  He is a God of love, and JUSTICE.  He tells us the direction to follow and the consequences of not following.  i feel like the farther away the world turns the more Christians are going to face choices that are black and white.  God is not a fan of Lukewarm or 1/2 way in Christians.  He wants all of us, He desires our whole heart.  For this reason i feel compelled to stand firm in my God, My God that loves all of us yet gives us the choice to choose Him.
I choose Him, i choose to NOT to kill the unborn, i choose not to steal, lie, kill, I choose to make the sabbath HOLY again, I choose to put NO other thing or person or activity above God, I choose not to acknowledge any marriage other then Man and Woman, i choose character, i choose to place my hope in Him.  Hope for our country, our churches, our homes, our hearts.
My heart is not full of judgement or condemnation but a hope that where ever you are in life (good or bad) that Jesus holds you.  I pray He draws you into Him.  I pray that He places people and relationships in your life that reflect His goodness.  i Pray that if you are hurt or alone that He fills that void.  He is the only way to have peace, the only way to have forgiveness, He is the only way to find meaning in this world.

The answer is JESUS !

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Houston's 1st year !

our sweet lovable baby boy -  your one in a million and we are so blessed to have you in our family.  you are already such  smart fella.  you love to figure things out and get lots of stuff out as well.  your a great eater and walk/jog everywhere you go.  you love to ride your trike, brush your teeth, dance, but you still love momma most of all.   you say lots of words, call the animals, shine your little light, and patty cake.  

Houton Tate-  we are so glad that God choose us to be your parents.  we pray for and over your life.  We want to see you grow into the man that God created you to be.  Always know that we support and love you more then all the pretty horses.  your our miracle and God has always had HIS hand on your life.  thank you for being such a easy going, kind hearted, happy baby.  you make us smile and have brought sunshine and joy to our lives.
God mended you into a precious human, that we are blessed to have.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Houston's 6-7 month of life

Dear sweet boy houston-

You have been a busy fella the last few months.  you have come up with lots of new tricks.  your still a super easy going, kind, all smiles type of guy.  

 you love morning time, eating, bath time, and waking up in the middle of the night.  

 your wearing lots of your cousin's cloths these days.  you look handsome in them just like Casen and Ben did.  

 you love to walk !!!! you require two fingers to move forward but your getting pretty quick at it.  
 you had your 1st valentines.  

 you love your sissy, she was your special valentine this year.  

 you had some ups and downs in this photo shoot.  

 you love bath time and love being naked.  
 your not much on crawling.  it seems like a lot of work to you.  
 its snowed and been pretty cold but we managed to find things to do.  you enjoyed it, bc sissy got to stay home from school.  
 you had another trim job, and handled it like a champ.  

 Christmas 2014 was so fun.  sissy got all she ever wanted and you were happy as pie about the wrapping paper.  

 your favorite toy is a spoon.  you have one just about everywhere.  

 emrie loves you so very much.  you two snuggle every morning and play good together.  this might change when you get moving, but for now she is your hero and your her side-kick.  

 your sitting alone in the bath tub and playing with toys.  
 you spend lots of time at nana's and papa's house.  they both love seeing you every morning.  you and papa usually read the paper and eat breakfast with each other.  nana lue loves you so much.  she calls you 'sunshine boy" bc you give her the sweetest smiles every morning.  you have her wrapped around your finger.  
i am so glad you get to be loved and spoiled by her.  
 you just broke your 3rd tooth and we are all happy about that. 

Houston Boy-  your more then we could of ever of imagined.  your loved more then all the stars in the sky.  your perfect, smart, sweet, giggly, healthy, and so very fun to be around.  We love you more and more every single day.