Hays Today

A crazy mother bear, that loves her little family.

Monday, September 27, 2010

life can sometimes just be the absolute pits. i know that when these dark times come, its God showing you places you need to grow and change. i have to sometimes be beet upside the head for me to understand, but i think i am finally getting the big picture. see for the last 2 years of life, marriage has consumed my life, i feel like i have been pecked by roosters. see marriage is the very hardest relationship to maintain. its a constant effort, a never ending battle, and a lifelong commitment to try. there are Great, Good, and horrendous times in marriage. and it can go from one to the other in 10 seconds flat. i have grown up in my marriage, i was young and dumb and now i am wiser, and not so young. but i think what i have taken from this is, i am never as perfect or right. even though i am convinced in my head that i am 120% sure i made the right call. i have never been patient about anything and this is no different. i want here and now i want results and achievement. but this is the kicker, get ready, here it is...... ITS NOT ABOUT ME. i remember wearing a shirt one time that said this very statement. somewhere along that growing up stage, i lost sight of the real purpose in life. Its not me, its GOD. i am working on me to make me whole, complete, and insinc with God. He has shown me places of my heart that need refined and replenished. so on this beautiful fall day, i am seeing God in yet another way.

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