Hays Today

A crazy mother bear, that loves her little family.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

the Babe

this is dedicated to my very favorite baby sister.

we have been companions since the very day of her birth. me and Chig have always shared many things. we have always been close, and i have always been proud to be her big sis. she has watched me make every mistake in the world, except smoke pot. she has followed in many of my footsteps. but i cannot tell you how proud i am of her.

she has taken her life in her own hands and is doing pretty well with it. she is honest, caring, loyal, devoted, and fun to be with. she takes life pretty seriously most times, but she can still kick back and take it in.

she is a sophomore at her dream college, (go pokes) maintains great grades, and applies herself 100%. she is self sufficient and works hard.

Chelsie- you are my favorite girl, and i love you so much. i am very proud of the lady you are and i know you are going to go and do big things in your life. keep up the hard work and always know we are here for you and are proud of who you are. i think your the best.

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