Hays Today

A crazy mother bear, that loves her little family.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

whats your name? one more time.

well we have been making a few changes lately.  like.... we decided to change our baby boy's name.   i was watching "house hunters" a few weeks ago and they were in Houston.  i really liked the idea of Houston Hays.  i asked Len and he "pondered/thought" about it for the next two weeks.  
Saturday we were in the truck for a hour and i said we must name him today.  so we ended up with 

we had lots of things we liked.  
Houston Rigg 
Tate Pryor
Lincoln Rigg

but in the end we settled on our little strong cowboy name.  i pray that he will give the name honor and character as he grows into his own.  
Houston -  Be true to the name you bear sweet boy.   we will always love and support you, we are already praying that you will honor Jesus with your life.  your a very special guy that we have waited and longed for, you have been a special gift from the very begging.   
love- mom, dad, and sister lue 

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