Hays Today

A crazy mother bear, that loves her little family.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Motherhood Vs fatherhood

Lets just start with the good.  Mom's verses Dad's 
Mom's get.....
to carry, birth, and nurse the baby. 
dad's get to have the sex.
mom's get to stay home and dads provide for the family. 
mom's get to pee on their leg in the shower, to save time.  dad's get to read a magazine. 
mom's stop all fun activities bc the baby needs you, dad's miss a few extra activities. 
mom's never do anything alone (EVER) and dads have lots of time to gather their thoughts. 

There is not one thing i would change about this list, well maybe the peeing part.  but the thing is... God designs us for our rolls.  He makes momma's and daddy's just for the purpose they are supposed to fulfill.  now don't get me wrong it dose not always seem fair or easy, but its the way He planned it.  

i am just glad our kids have a dad that works hard, and loves us so much ! 

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