Hays Today

A crazy mother bear, that loves her little family.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014


i could of never have dreamed up a better year. 2014 was the very best year !  in Dec. of 2012 i remember feeling defeated and DONE.  little did i know what God had in store for my family.  

Each month brought us new adventure and excitement.  In Jan 2014 We found out that lobster #3 was a fella.  
 In February me and Len celebrated 10 years of marriage.  if you know our marriage story this is quite an accomplishment.  
 in march, april, and may i continued to exercise and feel great all while growing our little baby.  
 In June Em was full swing in parades and playdays.  riding horses is defiantly her thing.  she started riding Spoon and advanced leaps and bounds.   

 In JULY we finally welcomed our 4th member to our family !!!  Houston was born and he was the missing piece to our family.  Our little guy is healthy and strong.  God in His perfect timing and plan made him just perfect in every way.  We will always be so thankful for His grace and Gifts.  
 in August Emrie turned 7 !  we celebrated with a slumber party, trail ride, and luch.   She started 1st grade at Purcell and she is so smart and we are pretty proud of her.  She is confident, strong, a leader, and brave.  
The fall kinda flew by and now we are in winter.  all in all 2014 was one of our greatest years.  We are so thankful that God blesses us and that we get to see what 2015 has in store for us.  

Friday, December 12, 2014

Lobster #2

12-12-12 was a life changing day in our house.  We lost our bay lobster #2, i can remember almost every detail of that day.  i remember being at the hospital for my DNC, i remember them poking me 400xs trying to find a vein, i remember saying "knock me out" over and over again.  i remember feeling empty, drained, and asking WHY.   i still from time to time ask why, but i am quickly reminded of God grace and plan.  i watch a little boy on FB who was born in June of 2013, i love seeing him grow.  for some reason even though i never knew Lobster #2, that baby boy reminds me of him/her.  its crazy to even try and picture what He/SHe would look like bc apparently me and len make identical looking kids, and Lobster #2 was a embryo that we adopted, so its hard to even put a image to something i loved so much.  
its funny to me how God knows..... He knows us all.  He knows and has a vision of each of us even before we are formed.  i find great comfort knowing that He knows.  He makes beauty from ashes, He designs beautiful life's.  
each and every time i look into my Houston's face i see just how much He loves me.  How He never forgot me, how He knew just what we needed.  How He makes BEAUTY from broken pieces.  this Dec. 12th i am a little sad but i am SO GRATEFUL to be part of His well thought out plan.  
Lobster #2 - your part of our story and i am so glad i got to hold you for those 11 weeks and 5 days.  you will always be my favorite lobster.