Hays Today

A crazy mother bear, that loves her little family.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Lobster #2

12-12-12 was a life changing day in our house.  We lost our bay lobster #2, i can remember almost every detail of that day.  i remember being at the hospital for my DNC, i remember them poking me 400xs trying to find a vein, i remember saying "knock me out" over and over again.  i remember feeling empty, drained, and asking WHY.   i still from time to time ask why, but i am quickly reminded of God grace and plan.  i watch a little boy on FB who was born in June of 2013, i love seeing him grow.  for some reason even though i never knew Lobster #2, that baby boy reminds me of him/her.  its crazy to even try and picture what He/SHe would look like bc apparently me and len make identical looking kids, and Lobster #2 was a embryo that we adopted, so its hard to even put a image to something i loved so much.  
its funny to me how God knows..... He knows us all.  He knows and has a vision of each of us even before we are formed.  i find great comfort knowing that He knows.  He makes beauty from ashes, He designs beautiful life's.  
each and every time i look into my Houston's face i see just how much He loves me.  How He never forgot me, how He knew just what we needed.  How He makes BEAUTY from broken pieces.  this Dec. 12th i am a little sad but i am SO GRATEFUL to be part of His well thought out plan.  
Lobster #2 - your part of our story and i am so glad i got to hold you for those 11 weeks and 5 days.  you will always be my favorite lobster.  

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