Well me and Lendall are celebrating our 6th wedding anniversary on Saturday, so we are taking a weekend ski trip. we are leaving Emrie with my sister for 3 nights, which when typing dose not seem that long, but in my sad momma heart it feels like an eternity. i love her so very much and she feels the same way about me, so it just breaks my heart to leave her. i know most people think i am silly, and i might think i was silly to after 18 kids, and never being alone. but for now my heart aches for her.
I need to do this, i need to make my marriage a priority like i make motherhood. i love to be with lendall and we have lots of fun when its just me and him. but i already miss my baby girl.
so here i go..... i am going to leave her......i am praying that God makes her content and that He makes me relax. Wish us all luck.
She is content! We're having so much fun and she's as happy as a lark!