Remember This.....10/10
Our House is finished and we live in it. Very excited days, we are starting to feel like its home. every night when we lay down we talk about how blessed we feel. i hope that at the end of every day we all can find some reson to feel whole and complete.
our preciuos little girl has adapted well, just like she dose in most any situation. she loves her room, and has already marked her spots in the house. she is sleeping in her big bed all night and continues to grow up way to fast. i really love that girl, she warms my heart with the slighest glance of her sweet face.
Me and Len got a A+ at marriage couciling so we have been released till needed agian. we are mend well and when we both jive for each other, we make a great team.
A lessoned Learned this year...... God Can and Will see you Threw.
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