my Very most favorite gals in this whole world. you know you never want to think about life with out a loved one, but i cant even picture my life without these two. our bond and love runs deep inside, and its something un-breakable.

thanks "norman photography" for this one of a kind pose and thanks to our mother for these super cool vests + those mauve colored turtle necks.

oh the church directory pictures. don't hold this against my career but i am pretty sure i fixed all our hair that day. "special"

this of all our sister pics is one of my favorite. not only because i was skinny and blonde but bc this perfectly describes our relationships. i am usually the center of a good laugh. mac is always behind the seen making whatever we are doing perfect, and our baby is watching our every move, learning just how we do things.
it just shows who we are.

Sister do as sisters should, we are all together perfect. this is my two favorite sisters with my sweet papa bill, Christmas 2008.

Here we are at moms 50th birthday party.

this weird picture was taken one month before we added the 5th Girl to our group. that is why they are embracing the belly. Summer of 07

at my graduation also my 19th Birthday. 6-20-03

a little family ski trip back in the spring of 02, i think.

As you can see we have been threw many happy years together. see i came into the world with a big sister, a automatic friend. although there were times in our relationship we were very far from friends. but as we have grown up we all relize now just how special a sister is. we have been at every big or little event in life. threw thick or thin, good or bad, we are there. its kinda hard to describe our bond, to others. we truly feel like its one-of- a-kind. now don't get me wrong i am sure there are siblings in the world that love each other but to us its special and unique.
Danna Mckenzie is the total package, she is smart, easy to please, she loves deeply and protects those she loves. she pours her heart into her family. she sees people for what and where they are. a constant consistency in life. she is not driven by the best of things, she never tries to compete or keep up with people in her life. she is ok not being the center of the stage. she is giving, kind, and always thinks of her family. she is a loyal friend, who keeps secrets. except when she told mom i snuck off to meet my boyfriend. she is a good example of what i always tried to be. she set the bar high, to high for the rebel middle child. but even when i failed to meet what i thought to be un-realistic expectations she would never throw it in my face. she would meet me at the bottom of the barrel.
Chelsie Randa, my little shadow. my eat-out buddy, my right hand. i know for fact that is i had my right hand cut off she could stand beside me and so just what i was doing without a word said. she is un-doughtily my go-to girl. i can give her a task and i never even think of it again. she is driven and has purpose behind most everything she dose. she fears failure, but has never once disappointed her family. she gives 120% to anything she dose. she has been shaped and formed by watching me and Mac succeed and fail. she walks threw the bright and dark times with us and learns from us. she is the perfect blend of mac and me. she is organized, loyal, smart, all from mac. but she pushes forward and knows she made the right choice and never looks back. (your welcome chig) we love her and protect her, she is our baby and we could not be more proud.
i love days spent with my sisters i wish they would come live by me and we could be neighbors that visit each other all the time.
i love to eat a nice cracker barrel breakfast with them.
shopping is always a event, but fun most of the time.
i love staying up late, catching up on our favorite shows, or just talking like kids again.
its not something we ever work at, its just there. we don't have to be talking or do anything. its just about being together.
they love me for what i am inside and i love them with every bit of my heart.