Hays Today

A crazy mother bear, that loves her little family.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Emrie Lou is just growing up so fast these days. she is very big, tall, independent, and opinionated. she loves to be outside and is content in most every situation she faces. she loves to read books and fix hair. she is still very into horses. she loves every movie created that has a horse in it. her latest favorite is "secretariat" she has watched it at least 80 times. she loves to stay busy playing with anyone at this point. she is always wanting to have company and be on the go. she loves to shop, and is a hard little worker. she is a bunch like her aunt chelsie, when she starts something she sticks with it. she loves to go on "dates" with mom and dad. her favorite place to eat is carls jr, and red lobster. she loves slides and driving her barbie car.

i cannot really put into words how much i have loved every part of her life. i find so much joy in her life. she gives me so much more then i could ever give back to her. every night when we say our prayers, i pray that someday she can have a little baby of her own, so she will know how deep i love her.

Sometimes when me and Lendall talk about her, we both beam with pride. i love watching him love our baby girl the way he dose. he is stern but fun and tender all at the same time. we really have never had one argument or disagreement when it comes to her. we always want the very best for her and we want to teach her the best way to get to the end result. we are not parents of the year or anything but we sure think ours is pretty amazing.

Baby Lou Lou- i hope you always know how special, unique, and beautiful you are. no matter where or what you become just know me and daddy will always be so proud of you. your our favorite girl, biggest blessing, and We Thank God he gave you to us. we love you more with each passing day.

love - Momma and daddy-do.

1 comment:

  1. Her Aunties feel much the same way about the little gal! She really does come up with the funniest things and it's been a privilege to watch her grow and learn and change.
