the sisters - 1 took mom out for her birthday. we went and ate and to see "Hunger Games" just the girls. NO KIDS, this does not happen often. it was a fun afternoon.

earlier in march, me and Em went to surprise Daddy. He has been working out of town, so we drove up to Enid to stay the night in his hotel. Em felt like she had a 6 day Vaca.

Em and her buddy Cooper. she loves this kid, and i can see why he is pretty fun to hang out with. they are two peas in a pot.

This child spends a whole lot of time at the shop. i call her my "Beauty shop HOODrat" she loves being with me and i love having her with me. she is always getting compliments on her behavior. we sure are proud of our girl and how she acts. she is "working" or "doing her jobs" here to make some $$$$ for her beloved basket ball goal.

thats some of what we have been up to this month.
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