on March 24th, 2013 we were headed to bed. our most precious times of the day are bedtime and morning prayers. she was laying there with me and asked many questions about Jesus. easter was coming and we had been watching "the Bible" so we had been talking a lot about the events that had happened. something that night clicked in her head. she understood about Jesus and His perfect sacrifice. i told her all about what He went through for us. i told her He loves us more then I love Her. she understood and we prayed a prayer and she asked Jesus to "come in" her heart and live. special and precious moments that will always be my proudest time in her life. We really questioned her and talked with our pastor and decided she was ready to be "bab-a-tized." i asked my papa bill if he would do the honors and he accepted. he is a man of few words and he is not a fan of being center stage, but he did a perfect job. we are so very blessed to have him in our family. he is so very gentle and strong. this man means so much to each of us. Emrie was not nervous at all she was so excited. i am proud that i have a Godly papa and a daughter that is so excited to love Jesus.
Our prayer for you is that you always honor Him with your life. Jesus loves everyone and so should we. We pray that her protects you from pain and heartache. and that someday you can have a child so that you will grasp His almighty love for you. We are so very proud of your choice and who you are deep inside. there is just not enough words to tell you how much We love you. you are our whole world and we are so blessed to be your momma and daddy.
We are so blessed to be SO loved. she is one popular girl with the best support in all the land. it means so much to us that she is so loved by so many.
We're so proud of your decision to follow Jesus sweet Emrie Lue. you are so special to us and we're so proud of you!