Hays Today

A crazy mother bear, that loves her little family.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sad Day

i started reading the book "interrupted" by Jen hatmaker. let me just say that i kinda feel like this gal has her head screwed on straight. so far i think she has made perfect sense. i feel heavy and convicted today. i feel like some days i just dwell in the "Sad Day" stage. i have been dwelling and feeling some "poor me" things. i never want to come across as un-greatfil, or un-fullfilled. bc i am so blessed, i am so glad that Jesus paid my price. i mean really look around, there are plenty of roses to smell. He continues to show me how i need to be refining my heart. i just feel like my hands are tied, my back is against the wall, my life is at a stand still. its like i cannot move forward without a baby. my mind is consumed, my heart is broken, and my body is TIRED. i really in my own little head, think i deserve to be a momma again. i ache to feel a baby inside of me. and yet here i sit blogging about sad days. i am not going to lie, i feel a little betrayed or forgotten. i keep telling my head, that God is saving the best for me. He has a perfect timeline. he is saving my heart from devastation. he is protecting me. i get that, in my head. my heart on the other hand is SAD. i want to have the answers, i want to understand His plan. i want to just trust Him, Have Faith, and move on. so thats where and what i am. i am stuck between what i know in my head and feel in my heart.

God- make my heart match what i know in this crazy head of mine.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Be My Valentine

our family
the day he became a daddy
Our wedding day at the court house.
my little BOY SCOUT

I recently was reading this book, and it was talking about finding "Mr. Right" well i used to be a firm believer in "that crap don't happen" and at times i still feel that way. however the day i met Len, all my very firm thoughts went out on the dance floor. He is uniquely the very most perfect guy for me. now lets keep it real here: he is by no means perfect, he lacks a whole lot of sensitivity. but really he is what he is suposed to be. the book told me that your partner is supposed to have all the "fruits of the spirt" well let me just say there are 9 of those prcious fruits. and he has 8 out of 9. yea thats what i married ladies. myself on the other hand is a whole lot of mess. i struggle with JOY, PATIENTS, PEACE, GENTEELNESS, and my personal fav SELF-CONTROL. so in other words i need to learn some things from my man. He is so good, in so many ways. he loves his girls which is my favorite thing about him. He made me a momma, a wife, and he is all i want and need. he completes me in all those "struggly" places. he provides, and protects. he is Mine and he holds my heart. i love My valentine.