Hays Today

A crazy mother bear, that loves her little family.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

What is your name?

So my whole adult life i am always mistaken for Cathy. now i know and love lots of ladies named cathy, however my name is Cassie.  so when you pick up a to-go order or call to get insurance quote, i always have to spell it otherwise a nice lady named cathy will be eating my pizza for dinner.  
all that being said we really like the name RIGG, however i think it sounds like rick when you say it.  now i also know some guys named rick, they are nice but that is not a #1 choice for our little guys name.  
so we struggled to find a name that fits this little fella.  
at the end of the day we have come to a very talked about conclusion.  

Emrie Meyer Hays 
is proud to announce her baby brother 
Mr. Tate Pryer Hays !!!! 

its been fun identifying this little guy.  he is very busy these days growing and moving almost all the time.  he really enjoys a nice rest upon my bladder and loves to stand on it and jump up and down.  so that part is not my fav but i am not complaining one tiny bit. (ok maybe a tiny amount) 

i have officially started nesting in my head and lots of changes are happening all around.  We cannot wait to meet this little "tater tot" as Em calls him.  He is already very loved and so very anticipated.  

Tate- We pray for you every day, we pray that you are growing strong and brave in the belly.  We all 3 are so in love with you already.  hope you feel us touching you and know our voices.  we love you bubby. 

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