this is Mckenzie she is 12. she lives in Wayne.
Hays Today
A crazy mother bear, that loves her little family.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
i forgot the main event....
my bad.... i forgot my Len. he is my husband of 6 years, and he is mine. we have been threw hard things, and many more good things, and i am proud to say that we are still togther. he is a good, honest, loyal, and strong Man. he loves the REAL me, and he would walk threw fire to save me. he has many great qualities but my very favorite thing about my man is he is a good daddy. he loves that baby girl with the most protective and gental love a man can. he is smart, hardworking, and is always looking out for his girls. i love him more today then ever b4, bc we have grown to trust our love for each other. i hope to spend the rest of my whole life with this One important Man.
reflection time....
I am driving down Memory Lane. i found a bunch of old pictures and ever since i have been on a kick. these are some people that stand out in my life. friends and family that i have been blessed to know and share my life with.
these are in no particular order but my # 1 fan in my life is my Best Little side kick
Emrie Lou

this is Julie Kelly in the middle, she was my Youth minister's wife, she is a very dear person to me. she always was encouraging, strong, loyal, and easy to talk to. the girl on her back is Taylor Christian, we go way back. we grew up in the same church and took swimming lessons together, we went on many a youth trips tother and to this very day we are good friends. The dark headed chick is my bud BO. she is very outgoing and loud like me. i am not sure which one of us feeds of the other but we always always have fun together. we went threw our teenage years chasing boys, and crusin the drag. we all had a fascination with poop, and all things nasty like zits and such.
we all have remained close threw the years, and although i am the only one still in Purcell, we see each other several times a year.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
a little love, thats all we need.
here is me and the Len one night a year ago. at texas roadhouse.
so today i was feeling a little low, and needing some lovin. and my very favorite husband, came home with a kiss, which is always good, then a nice mazzios buffet, and after Emrie feel asleep on the door mat, we watched a funny movie together. this to me is a perfect, or at least semi-perfect evening. oh did i mention he vacuumed my car for me, no reason, just needed it. he is and will never be the most romantic, but he is what he is, and thats how i will take him. bc he is mine and i am his.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Happy Spring
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
dad and Emrie loudom,but
you know, i will never forget the day we found out that emrie was a girl, and at the time we thought we were having a boy. the doctor was a tad bit off in her predictions. so anyways when we found out she was a girl, he was a bit disappointed, but little did we know how in love we would be with her. he told me the other day, he would be fine just having girls, bc emrie has changed his ways of thinking. he loves her in such a precious and protective way. he is the best daddy, and she loves his every move. they are just a pretty cute pair.
this is Em at Chunky-cheese riding the horse. what a shock.
this is random but this is our large tree Lendall cut down after the storm. our little street looks much different with all the missing trees.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
sister sisteralwaystake
this is 2002, shawnee OK.

well, i am really missing my sisters today, so they are going to get the blog today. see me and mac are 217 months apart, so i litterly do not know any other life , then life with her. then Chig came along when i was 6, she has always been my little shadow. i used to take her everywhere with me. see we both share a common intrest in eating out. so i would always take her to eat with me. matter of fact that is what i spend most of my money on, is food.
anyways they are just great girls, i am not sure if i can pick a favorite moment in time that we shared together, but i know every time we are all 3 together we are whole.
some favorite memories we share would be.......
cracker barrel, driving to school in that huge boat, all our sex talks, i loved showing cows with chig, and all the ski trips.
i love you big and little sisters.
Monday, March 8, 2010
rainy Monday
this is our most recent shot.

I am typically off work on mondays, and i love me some monday mornings. i love waking up to Emrie's sweet little voice saying "its morning time" she is simply the best part of everyday. she just has a way about her, and i know all mothers think there kids are the greatest, but i am just convinced that, mine is.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Max and Ruby
this is Emrie loving on her favorite guy, Hunter Eubank. she loves him so very much, this is what i in vision for her baby sibling.
Emrie has been on a rabbit kick. so we watch lot of max and ruby. i have learned a lot from this little pair, and i hope she is taking all that in. i hope that one day she can have a baby sibling, and that one day they can be as close as max and ruby. i love that they never fight or that ruby never loses her patients with max. i hope and know that one day Emrie will be a wonderful big sister to her baby. i want to see how she loves, it.
i hope someday they grow up, and can genuinely care for one another. i love my sisters, and i hopr she can always have a buddy like them in her life.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
random events of life.
This is Emrie's "sad" face. she is so so so funny at this stage of life.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Time Off
Lendall is a contract welder, and anytime you have contract in your job tittle, there is always ups and downs. so we just have to be ready at any time, for the unexpected. thats just the nature of his job. so having said all that, Len's latest contract expired last friday. so this means, he is back on the market to find jobs. which somedays leads to very stressed people. but i know that he will do whatever it takes to provide for us. God always uses these times, to learn trust. He will provide what we need, and even some of what we want. I thank my God above for giving me a husband, who will do what it takes.
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