I am driving down Memory Lane. i found a bunch of old pictures and ever since i have been on a kick. these are some people that stand out in my life. friends and family that i have been blessed to know and share my life with.
these are in no particular order but my # 1 fan in my life is my Best Little side kick
Emrie Lou

this is my older sister Mckenzie, me chig, and my mom. we have all been threw thick and thin. these girls are always my biggest fan, most loving support, and loyal friends. it sometimes amazes me how close nit we are. i truly and very deeply love these girls. my life would not be complete with out having them forever and always.

these 2 girls are my childhood all summed up. Heather. Meaghan, and me. we went to school together in 3rd grade on. today Meg and me have daughters 6 months apart, and we love to get together and play. she is always funny, and we always share many laughs. she is one of those friends that rain or shine she will be there. i love having her part of my life then and now.

these are my famous Vo-Tech buds. this is in cozumel, Mexico in the summer of 2003. thats me, chan, seabass, and Katie. this trip will forever be the funniest trip of my life. i loved experiencing VT with these girls. - chan.

this is my CHAN, we met and have not parted since the summer of 02. she is so wonderful in so many ways. but i think the thing i love about her most is... our friendship. she is loyal, honest, carefree, fun, always listens, and just the best friend everyone in this world should have. we have lived together threw the funniest and hardest years of life. she will be a pallbearer at my funeral, and she will always as long as we live be my Best friend. i love ya Chan.

this is Julie Kelly in the middle, she was my Youth minister's wife, she is a very dear person to me. she always was encouraging, strong, loyal, and easy to talk to. the girl on her back is Taylor Christian, we go way back. we grew up in the same church and took swimming lessons together, we went on many a youth trips tother and to this very day we are good friends. The dark headed chick is my bud BO. she is very outgoing and loud like me. i am not sure which one of us feeds of the other but we always always have fun together. we went threw our teenage years chasing boys, and crusin the drag. we all had a fascination with poop, and all things nasty like zits and such.
we all have remained close threw the years, and although i am the only one still in Purcell, we see each other several times a year.

this is my church age group. i love them bc they are the best church family i have ever been a part of. they have great influence on my life, and i treasure FBC Purcell.

My family. i love them all for many reasons, but thats my dad in the red, and he means so much to me. there have not been many times in my life, that my dad let me down. he has always been on my side, and loved me for what i am. we see life the same way, and he and i have grown to appreciate each other more now then ever. he taught me the importance of hard work, and Sunday dinners together.

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