Hays Today

A crazy mother bear, that loves her little family.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

random events of life.

This is Emrie's "sad" face. she is so so so funny at this stage of life.

Angel fire, NM 2-10. Len and I took a weekend trip skiing, it was so nice to get away together, while we were there we celebrated 6 years of marriage. i am so blessed to have married Lendall. it has not always been easy, but we are here together fighting to make our marriage work.
This is my favorite older sister, who is in the adoption procss, with her hubs, "Gene." i really hope they get a baby girl cousin for Emrie, but no matter what size, color, or gender we will love it all the same.
this is Emrie with her BFF Madison. they are so stinking cute together. we love our maddy girl. this is at her 3rd birthday party.

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