Hays Today

A crazy mother bear, that loves her little family.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Skiing 2011

our little 4 year old ski bunny. i was not sure if we were going to try skiing with her this year, but she begged us to let her. so we rented her a set and off she went. we learned on the bunny slope 4x's and then headed to the top. she skied all the way down with no complaints and little help. all she kept saying was " lets go, i need to catch the big kids" we were so proud and she will be passing us by in a few years.
my entire gaol for the trip was a "family Pic" well it was a mess trying to get it taken and a even bigger mess to get the picture. but it was all worth it. its so nice to have both sets of parents in one big happy family pic. it really meant a lot to the 3 of us girls, to travel and have memories with both of our parents. we all shared some good laughs, and it made for a wonderful family trip.
we went to Steam Boat, CO. December 2011
me and my favorite man. the very first day skiing me and len ventured out alone. he was to excited not to ski that day. and it ended up being so nice. we went at our own pace and enjoyed each other. he really is a "one of a kind creature" he is fun, cool, calm, collected, smart, handsome, and all together perfect. {most of the time} i hope that i make him as happy as he makes me.

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