Hays Today

A crazy mother bear, that loves her little family.

Monday, September 24, 2012

up to date

i have a lot of people ask for a update, so here it is.  I went to the doctor last friday and found out i am at a 6.4, i need to be at a 8.0.  so i go back next thursday to check again.  from there we do a week of shots, and transfer day is set again for October 2nd.  We are putting all 4 embryos in, and trusting God that He will give us however many baby or babies He wants us to have.  We find out if we are pregnant or not on the 11th.  We are just ready for this to be all over.  On October 12th I will no longer obsess, think, or dwell in the world of infertility.  we will be free and complete.  i am real excited for this day to get here.  its kinda ironic how God's time line works.  My very fist appointment with Dr. Kallenburger was One year ago on Oct. 11th.  it has been the very longest year of my life, but i can say that i gave it my all, i no longer have a fear of needles, and that i am a more patient person.  We are excited to know what our next step is, and even more excited to be DONE with this journey.  Thank you all for your kind words, and encouragement.  i read them a whole lot.  

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