Hays Today

A crazy mother bear, that loves her little family.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

november 6th, 2012

feeling a little up-date coming on.  
We are all doing good.  i have been sick with the cough of 2012 that wants to hold onto my lungs till the new year comes.  and with a very easy gag reflex this has been rough.  i have done some nausea, vomiting, ( just love that word) and have lost 4 pounds.  other then that whole situation i feel good.  i am excited to loose some pounds.  i have been waiting on this diet for 4 years now.  
i went to the doctor on the 30th, and confirmed that we have ONE healthy precious baby inside.  i had lots of mixed emotions that day.  i was a lot sad for the other 2 that did not like my environment, but i was so happy that one did.  it was a rough day for me.  a touch of the FAILURE part came back at me, but i did not want to seem un-gratful.  
we go back tuesday the 13th just to check on things.  i have been busy getting quotes on how much it costs to have a baby.  while it is not fun having to pay lots of $$$ to have a babe, i am grateful that we have the chance to.  my perspective has changed a lot from when we paid for Emrie.  
all 4 of us are doing great.  Len is working out of town most the time, and we are not big fans of that.  but we are grateful to have a daddy that will do whatever he has to for his girls.  Em is doing great at school, she is my best buddy and i am so excited to see her as a big sis.  and I am just real happy with my life.  its kinda crazy what true contentment feels like.  its kinda like God filling every part of your heart with fuzzy cotton balls.  He is the giver of all our blessings and we want to spend our life's thanking Him.  
And since its the season for thankfulness........
our family is OVERWHELMINGLY blessed to be healthy, strong, and together.  

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