Hays Today

A crazy mother bear, that loves her little family.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Exercising with Jesus

so i am really into exercise these days.  i never in 100 years would of thought that i would love it, but i DO.  i love putting my head-phones in and just hearing my music.    this morning this song came on and it was no mistake.  
before the morning
you have to listen to it.   He told me, to believe i still have a reason to sing, bc the pain i have been feeling can't compare to the JOY coming.  
i know my JOY is coming btw her name will not be Joy. (side-note) 

a few weeks ago i visited a new mom, we have become good "infertile" friends.  i met her in the bathroom at church, we both ended up crying and sharing our heartache.  we both started the adoption process together, she got her precious baby G three weeks ago.  i took some dinner over and held that precious baby.  my friend looked at me and said these words, " i would DO IT ALL again, to hold her."   make no mistake, God knows the plan.  He puts people in your life and in my life at the very right moments.  
God gets me and i get him.  i know that He is refining and perfecting something about me, and i get Him.   i know He has a great and mighty plan that has our name written all over it.  
i am glad He is in charge bc if it was just me on this ship, i would of went over-borad many years ago.  

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