Hays Today

A crazy mother bear, that loves her little family.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Entry # 1.

Well i guess i will start this blog bc i have not been able to get to mine in several months. we are still her on main, our lives have not changed in any dramatic way, but it is all good. Emrie is 2.5 years old and she is so stinking big. she comes up with the funniest things these days. she told me that her baby was sick from being in the rain, and she needed to go to the doctor , to get meds. she loves to watch old westerns like john wayne, or anything with a horse. she loves sausage and pancakes, she loves to shop, and dose not really like to get dirty. i think she has been hangin with her mom to much. anyways she fills our days with happiness and we feel so blessed that God made her so incredibly perfect for us.
Lendall is back welding at Crown, which is way up in deer creek, and he makes that huge sacrifice for us, i have slowed down quite a bit, and i enjoy staying home more with Em.
we hope that this finds you well and warm on these cold winter days.

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