Hays Today

A crazy mother bear, that loves her little family.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Love .... define it.

well from my previous post to this one we have made a full circle. Lendall has in fact not given up and we are smitten with each other. today is valentines and what a wonderful day to talk about the journey love takes us on.
i feel like love is defined by what you feel for your kids, i know that God planed on us loving our babies like we do. that is why he chose Jesus to die instead of marring some old gal and making her die for the worlds sin. so therefor that is what i compare love too. loving Emrie. i simply cannot put into words the way i love her, but moms out there know what i am talking about. anyways since i had em, i have secretly been not loving len the way i should. i need to let love for him flow from me, but it dose not come to me naturally. you see i must choose to love all things LEN. he is a dreamer and often i am NOT, i like reality, he likes Horses, trucks, golf, hunting, ext..... that is why i define love as being a conscious choice to be better at loving. i choose Len to love and spend my life with. i want to feel fairy tell love flow from my heart to him, but lets face it, i choose to work at marriage, i choose to give in, and let go, i chose to eat carrot cake instead of cheesecake.
i chose on 2-20-04 and i will choose to have his name beside mine on our family tombstone.
i love you Lendall.

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